As you travel around the Earth, East to West and North to South, the astrological chart moves around in a 360 degree circle, while the houses shift in size. This makes it possible to precisely find a position where the planets are located in the best place to achieve the goals of your choice.
If you would like some advice on where you should travel for your birthday you can just fill the contact form giving an indication of what you wish to achieve in your life. Please note that I do need to have a time of birth as precise as possible. Once you have contacted me, I will get in touch with you within 24 hours.
I would then be able to either give you a placement for your birthday that will be a general improvement on your birthday chart if you were to stay at home, or I could discuss with you several solutions according to the different relevance of the goals that you would like to achieve. All this could be done with an exchange of emails or with live consultations on Skype or WhatsApp.